Ethics, Compliance & Policies


Business Ethics

As a participant in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a principles-based framework that drives businesses to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, RHI  Magnesita is committed to integrating the Ten Principles, which cover such themes as environment, human and labour rights, and anti-corruption, into its business.

The company takes a zero-tolerance approach to incidents of fraud, bribery or corruption in its operations and value chain. Mandatory comprehensive online trainings on topics including business ethics, anti-corruption, data privacy, and sanctions and export controls, and regular monitoring of the completion rates, ensure that all office-based employees are informed and up to date. Key compliance themes consistently feature in internal communication campaigns.

RHI Magnesita regularly conducts compliance risk assessments and presents the results to management and the company’s Audit & Compliance Committee each year. Digital registers, workflows and employee guidelines to address, document and monitor conflicts of interest, declarations, gifts and invitations and community investment approvals have been implemented.

Business partners (e.g. customers, sales intermediaries and suppliers) and transactions such as mergers or acquisitions are subject to a due diligence process which includes checks to ensure compliance with sanctions and export control regulations. All sales agents are certified by Ethixbase360 (formerly TRACE International), a leading international organisation specialised in third-party due diligence solutions.

RHI Magnesita is committed to upholding human and labour rights. Eighty two percent of employees belong to unions, are represented by works councils or are subject to collective bargaining agreements. All relevant ESG policies are available in the policy library below.

Our focus on human rights and labour rights is being expanded to include suppliers via a programme of supplier audits. The Board approves an annual statement in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.

Extensive work was conducted during M&A integration plans to understand the compliance culture of each new entity and work to harmonise their approach with Group practices. Emphasis was placed on face-to-face interaction and discussion to jointly evolve Business Ethics approaches.

Anyone with ethics or compliance concerns is encouraged to report them to an independent, confidential, and anonymous whistle blower hotline. We are firmly committed to whistleblower protection, including to the principle of non-retaliation. Reports are independently investigated and appropriate follow-up actions taken.

Policy Library