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Are you still in school or enrolled in university, however, already thinking about your first career step? Are you dreaming about working with a world leader? We guarantee that you will find a perfect employment fit with RHI Magnesita! Explore the different paths below.
Exciting news: the application for the next cohort of the RHI Magnesita Global Trainee Program is now open!
Does the idea of sustainable change, innovation, and a dynamic project-based working environment appeal to you? Do you want attractive benefits, flexible working arrangements and international assignments? Does the idea of interacting with many cultures appeal to you? Then join RHI Magnesita! Together, with our knowledge and experience, we will continue leading the industry ad building a more sustainable modern life.
Do you want to work for a company with a proud 200-year history, which is stable and trusted across Austria and beyond? Are you interested in driving innovation? Then join RHI Magnesita! We ensure a working environment that promotes stable and continuous growth, while allowing for innovation, creativity, and change..
We are aware that some jobs can be physically demanding. Our plant employees work in various shift rotations depending on their position, department and work station. The health and safety of our people are our number one priority.
RHI Magnesita strives to equip all employees worldwide with the same personal protective equipment of high quality. As a matter of fact, we have been working uncompromisingly towards our zero accidents goal for a long time and we have strong programs in place to achieve this.