Did you know that glass furnaces lined with our refractory products last up to 10 years until replacement is necessary?
This makes them the application that lasts the longest amongst all refractory applications. Glass Refractories are continuously consumed during finished goods production.In the picture you can see our Innovative Regenerator […]
Did you know that we are conducting Cultural Workshops for our employees?
Already more than 2500 of our international employees have been trained in more than 150 Culture Workshops. The workshops have not only helped to increase mutual understanding but also to […]
Did you know that our logo stands for infinity and refractory linings?
Our logo shows a never-ending loop which represents the shapes and solidity of our core products. The symbol also tells the story of continuous improvement, how we are always innovative […]
Did you know that there are many ways for RHI Magnesita to obtain our raw materials?
Extraction from sea water, open cast & deep mining and fused magnesia are all methods for us to produce our raw materials. Due to the backwards integration of RHI Magnesita […]
Did you know that the melting point of fused magnesia is 2800 °C?
Refractories defy the most hostile conditions to stay strong and stable at temperatures of 1200 °C and much, much higher to contain materials safely while they’re burned, melted, blasted, fired, […]
Did you know that we have four different cultural themes that define our work ethic and how we work together? Our four cultural themes are: Act customer focused and innovatively, […]
Did you know that our company was originally founded in 1834? Today, our headquarters are located in Vienna, Austria. However, the history of RHI Magnesita dates back to the year […]
If you don’t work in a mine or for a company related to mining, chances of actually visiting a mine are usually pretty small. However, as we think that mines […]
“Did you know?” – St. Barbara, the patron of mining
Did you know that St. Barbara is the patron saint of mining? Barbara lived in the third century and was completely controlled by her father who imprisoned her in a […]
RHI Magnesita: Rathausky steigt auf und übergibt Corporate Communications
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch […]
Mit großer Trauer gibt RHI Magnesita den Tod des ehemaligen Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Generaldirektors Franz Struzl bekannt. Struzl, der am 28. Jänner im Alter von 76 Jahren verstarb, hat das Unternehmen […]